Golf Outing!

Support our mission by attending, sponsoring, or donating.

Third Annual
 Christine Fox Frauenheim Foundation

October 20, 2025

Join us for the Third Annual Christine Fox Frauenheim Memorial Golf Outing on October 20, 2025, at Neshanic Valley Golf Course. This event supports our mission to support families and individuals facing financial difficulties related to their illness or those seeking an education in healthcare. Your participation makes a difference – golf with us, or sponsor the event! Secure your spot today and enjoy a day on the green while supporting a meaningful cause.

Neshanic Valley Golf Course
2301 S Branch Rd, Neshanic Station, NJ 08853 

October 20, 2025 
Registration starts at 10am; Shotgun Tee Off at 11am; Happy Hour at 5pm; Dinner from 6:00-8:00pm.

Registration Process:
Coming soon!

Checks Made Payable to:
CFF Foundation
Attn: John Redmond
323 Main Street, Lower Level, Chatham, NJ 07928

CFFF is Section 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization.
IRS letter

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Friend of The Foundation: $5000

  • Platinum Sponsor: $2000

  • Gold Sponsor: $1500

  • Silver Sponsor: $1000

  • Dinner Sponsor: $750

  • Beverage Cart Sponsor: $500

  • Happy Hour Sponsor: $500

  • Gifts Sponsor: $250

  • Hole Sponsor: $125

Want to make a donation?
Regular donations to CFFF can be Mailed & Made Payable to: CFF Foundation, Attn: John Redmond, 323 Main Street, Lower Level, Chatham, NJ 07928

Payments for the Outing, Dinner, and Sponsorships must be processed through the website for registration purposes.